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Typescript Practices

This is opinionated documentation giving introduction into typescriptlanguage and beyond.

Idea of its creation is to give fast onboarding and knowledge refresh for the commonly used approaches and practices in day-to-day work.

Typescript Introduction

Typescript Introduction Typescript, tsc, tsconfig.json, programmatic use
Project structure and package tools npm, yarn, package.json, DefinitelyTyped
Linting And Formatting eslint, prettier, @typescript-eslint

Typescript Language

Variables* let, const, scoping
Basic types* common types
Type & interface * definition, recursive, combining
Destructuring and spread* for: tuples, array, objects
Function * type definitions for regular, async , curried functions. this capturing
Modules import, export, default export
Callbacks * usage, maintenance complexity
Promise * chaining, error handling, parallel processing
async/await * async definitions, error handling
Classes * members definitions
Iterate Array/Object * for..of,, Object alternatives

Advanced topics

Generics * function, type, interface
Utility Types* Partial, Required, Record, Pick, Omit etc
Node.js Node.js modules and globals
TSDocs source code documentation
Async arrays * async functions in map, reduce, etc
Custom Errors * Error, extend Error, catch

Practical Concepts

Class replacement * use builder function instead of class definition
Union type instead of enum * explanation when it is better to use union types instead of enum
Useful libraries walk thru some commonly used libraries
jest writing tests, configuration, mocks, expectations, jest-dynamodb
AWS Lambda @types/aws-lambda, env, caching, DI, aws-sdk faking for tests


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Typescript Practices

* pages are fully generated from code, and could be examined in your favorite editor as one typescript file. Check them here

Some code samples include code playground links (bottom right) to so you could test it without leaving browser

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