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Using Enums

When your emun is defined just to be supplied as parameter into some other functions. Continue using it.

enum MyEnumUserType {
const processUserData = (data: any, userType: MyEnumUserType) => {
  if (userType === MyEnumUserType.ADMIN) {
    console.log(`Admin data:`, data);
  } else if (userType == MyEnumUserType.REGISTERED) {
    console.log(`Registered user data:`, data);
  } else {
    console.log(`Unknown data:`, data);
processUserData({ test: 1 }, MyEnumUserType.ADMIN);
processUserData({ test: 2 }, MyEnumUserType.UNKNOWN);

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In such situations it is usually created (hardcoded) and compared with the same enum values. No types conversion happening

Problems with enums

Starts when enum values are converted. It is not a big deal to print values, you can assign string or number to the corresponding key. But parsing string into enum looks “strange”

Given a situation when MyEnumUserType is now read out of an input, usually some string.

const myUserType: string = "ADMIN";
const myUserInEnumType: MyEnumUserType =
  MyEnumUserType[myUserType as keyof typeof MyEnumUserType];
processUserData({ test: 3 }, myUserInEnumType);

Now, the function can be called but as keyof typeof looks as not needed, but required.

When to use union types instead of enum

MyEnumUserType defined with union type:

type UnionUserType = "ADMIN" | "REGISTERED" | "UNKNOWN";

This is not so convinent because those hardcoded string constants are set as strings everywhere.

So here is upgraded and more flexible version:

const TypeAdmin = "ADMIN";
const TypeUnknown = "UNKNOWN";
const TypeRegistered = "REGISTERED";

type UpgradedUserType = typeof TypeAdmin | typeof TypeAdmin | typeof TypeAdmin;

const myUserTypeAgain: string = "ADMIN"; // just a string
const adminAssignedDirectly: UpgradedUserType = "ADMIN"; // already enum value

const exportUserType = (userType: UpgradedUserType) => console.log(userType);

const parseUserType = (userType: string): UpgradedUserType =>
  userType as UpgradedUserType;

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Use enum when it is not leaving codebase.

Use union type as union replacement when your keys are parsed from some input.