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Usual use cases:

Function Generics

Placeholders TYPE and O could be named any way, preferable to have one capital letter.

Generic function type to be reusable

function logSomething<TYPE, O>(data: TYPE, param: O): void {}
const logSomethingAgain = <TYPE>(data: TYPE): void => {};

pass-thru generic function wrapper:

const handler = (data: any): void => {};
const wrapper = <T>(param: T) => {

Type Generic

Optional type defined this way

type Optional<T> = T | undefined;
type OptionalNumber = Optional<number>;

Could have 2 values

const maybeInt: OptionalNumber = 1;
const maybeAnotherOne: OptionalNumber = undefined;

Interface Generic

interface GenericTree<L> {
  value: L;
  left?: GenericTree<L>;
  right?: GenericTree<L>;
const stringTree: GenericTree<string> = {
  value: "h",
  left: {
    value: "b",
    right: {
      value: "c",
const numberTree: GenericTree<number> = {
  value: 10,
  left: {
    value: 3,
    right: {
      value: 8,

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Using multiple type placeholders

type TwoPlaceholdersType<A, B> = (input: A) => B;

Make type aliasing

type Converter<A, B> = (input: A) => B;

type ConvertToNumber = Converter<string, number>;
type ConvertToString = Converter<number, string>;

const toNumberConverter: ConvertToNumber = (input: string): number =>

const toStringConverter: ConvertToString = (input: number): string =>


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Generics based on type boundaries.

Here array: A[] showing that array methods like .map, .reduce etc will be available

const arrayMap = <A, B>(array: A[], func: (x: A) => B): B[] =>;

Custom type as generic type base

<T extends Sizable> showing that T should be subtype of Sizable

interface Sizable {
  size: number;

interface SizableCloth {
  name: string;
  size: number;

interface SizableHat {
  radius: number;
  size: number;

const sumAllSizes = <T extends Sizable>(array: T[]): number =>
  array.reduce((p: number, c: T) => c.size + p, 0);
const hat: SizableHat = {
  size: 5,
  radius: 1,
const cloth: SizableCloth = {
  size: 10,
  name: "cool",
const resultSum = sumAllSizes([hat, cloth]); // => 15

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Generic type definition based on another generic type

Index Type Query or keyof: It yields the type of permitted property names for a give type. extends keyof will result in having K as string with values as property names of O

O[K] will be type of the value accessible in O when using K property

const getProperty = <O, K extends keyof O>(obj: O, key: K): O[K] => obj[key];

Here a have type number so result of getProperty will the number

const numberProp: number = getProperty({ a: 1 }, "a");

Here b have type string so result of getProperty will the string

const stringProp: string = getProperty({ a: 1, b: "1" }, "b");